Some Problems with Flat Pouch Packaging

Some Problems with Flat Pouch Packaging

Flat pouch packaging is one of the packaging industry categories, and its unique form in many industries has applications, in the market consumer experience, people will inevitably be curious about some of the questions about flat pouch packaging.

flat pouch packaging

Let’s first understand what products are suitable for flat pouch packaging.

Because of its unique flat form, flat pouch packaging is suitable for packaging those small sizes, lightweight, and easy to stack the goods. For example, in the field of food, cookies, nuts, candy, and other snacks are often packaged in flat bags. in the field of cosmetics and skin care products, small samples, masks, etc. are also usually used in flat bags to facilitate consumers to try and store. In addition, electronic product accessories such as charging cables, headphones, etc. are also suitable for flat bag packaging to save space.

Since many flat pouch packaging can be used in the food sector, what material is used for pouch packaging?

In fact, the choice of flat pouch packaging material depends on the characteristics of the product and packaging needs. Materials made of plastic, such as PE, PET, and PP are widely used for flat bag packaging. Materials made from paper, such as kraft paper and white cardboard, are especially suitable for food and daily necessities packaging. Made of composite materials, such as aluminum foil laminates and nylon laminates.

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In addition many applications flat pouch packaging needs to seal the package for better packaging products and transportation. So the sealing technology of flat packaging bags here we will introduce three ways, first, heat sealing technology, by heating the packaging material to melt and bond to form a seal. This way of sealing is firm, waterproof and moisture-proof, mostly used in food packaging. Second, self-adhesive sealing technology, self-adhesive sealing provides a quick and easy way to seal, suitable for daily use of small packages. Third, slide buckle or zipper sealing technology, suitable for products that need to be opened and closed repeatedly, such as snack bags, coffee bags, etc., easy to access and maintain the seal.

In addition to this, how the flat pouch packaging is printed and labeled with product information is also a concern for many consumers.

The process of printing and labeling flat pouch packaging with product information relies heavily on modern packaging technology and automated equipment. The flat pouch packaging is placed on the conveyor belt of the printer using a coding machine to ensure that the bags are stable and accurately positioned. The printer prints the required information on the bag according to a preset program and template. Once the printing is complete, the bag continues to move along the conveyor belt to the next process.

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The labeling machine will pre-printed labels placed in the labeling machine labeling box, labeling machine through the suction cups or rollers, and other devices will be removed from the label box, and pasted in the designated location of the flat bag, labeling is complete, the bag continues to move along the production line for subsequent packaging or warehousing process. In actual production, companies need to choose the right printing or labeling technology according to product characteristics and market demand.

And with the continuous progress of technology and equipment updates, we believe that flat pouch packaging bags have better feeding spray printing labeling solutions, many companies to long-term develop and constantly improve the quality of flat packaging bags, and better service to consumers.

flat pouch packaging


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